Week 27: "Out of Self Focus"
(Click Picture to Enlarge)
Special Note: This painting is not a self portrait, this work was modeled by this
week's inspiration.
This week's work was inspired by someone else's story, someone else's life. Yet listening to him talk about what he has been going through made me realize that I too have gone through it as well. It's a constant human struggle to define what we really want in our lives and what we really need.
For me this battle rages on many times on a daily basis. I have found that when I try to make heads of tales of it in my own life, my vision of myself becomes unfocused. Many times the things that I thought were "what I needed" were actually what I "wanted", and once I had them I realized they were not what I wanted at all.
I found when my judgment becomes muddy and unable to define clear lines of my needs and desires, I have to take time and be still. Of course this age old question has been plaguing mankind since the dawn of time. The only way I find the answer to this question in specific moments or situations in my life, is to sit back and let myself be motionless, and let myself begin to find the edges. I have to give myself time to clear the lines until I can move slowly out of self focus and begin to see the full picture.
I like the thought behind the painting, you are correct man continues to struggle with perception since many men do not take the time to view things clearly; nor do they take the time to look at things with others eyes.