Week 45: "and the Pursuit of Happiness"
Are all men created equal? Do we all have this basic right? Or in the land of the free do we have the right to beat down, hurt or destroy the emotional self-worth of another without retribution?
Over the last several months I watched our nation decide that they would acknowledge the cry out of youth in this country. Everyday young people in this land bully others in the pursuit of making themselves "feel better". They say that they have the right to say what they want because of the freedom of speech. As well as government saying that everyone has equal rights under the law, oh, but not this specific group because they are different. What type of lesson does that teach the youth of this country and the youth to come? While the government and people say we need to stop the outbreak of bullying, they teach youth that it is OK to bully someone if they belong to a specific group.
My inspiration this week was that of Veterans Day. These proud and brave men and women fought and still fight for the freedoms of this land. They fight so that we can still have those rights. How long will we as a nation teach hate, instead of teaching how to pursue true happiness? How long will the young minorities that make up this land have to fight?
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