"52 in 52: A New Journey" September NEWS: Gallery Blu Show and 3rd in the Burg Show!



January 8, 2011

"52 in 52: A New Journey" Blog Show at

The Paper Lion Gallery, 1217 Hummel Avenue, Lemoyne

YWCA of Carlisle, PA - Featured Artist

Friday, March 19, 2010

Week 11 - Meditation On A Fantasy

Week 11 - Meditation On A Fantasy
Over my life I have constantly been a day dreamer. As people have said I have always had my head in the clouds.  With the recent burst of spring that we have been having, how could I not.  With the sun shine spreading its light onto the earth around me, I have been finding myself more and more in a state of imaginary bliss. 

Society, the "they" of the world, say that someone that day dreams is not dealing with reality. If their heads are always in the clouds they are not serious, or that they are missing out on life.  So while in one of my day dreams I pondered this thought.  Is day dreaming, or as I feel getting out of ones self, such a bad thing?  At times we have so much mental garbage being pushed around inside our heads that it becomes oppressive.  We have insecurities about ourselves and our lives that it strangles our thoughts, our creativity, and suffocates our soul.  I find that day dreaming for those brief moments a complete freedom of one's self.  Getting lost in those "out of worldly" seconds cleanses my mind of that self-oppression. 

Around the world different religions and cultures use similar methods of mental cleansing, prayer, astral projection, chanting, and meditation. Yet these are acceptable because they are done in specific places and times, why not day dreaming.  Its human nature to drift from thought to thought, why stop that process.  So I say to everyone take some time and sit in meditation on a fantasy.  Happy day dreaming.    


  1. Nice work! I like the piece, and again, what a great description! I am finding that not only am I enjoying your work more, but also enjoying what you blog about each piece! It has been 11 wks out of 52, but I can already see how much your work has grown!

  2. sorry, I don't like it, just doesn't work for me
